I am officially done with this…

I am battling the elements this week. Well when I say elements, I mean the elements that have conspired to attack me and begin invading my system. Had to get an extension for the TMA cause I’m hacking and spluttering everywhere but that did lead me to this weeks flash fiction. An exaggerated version of my current situation. Continue reading “I am officially done with this…”

So it’s been a while…

Been a busy couple of months for, well just about everybody. The run up to Christmas is always a tough one, trying to get everything in order. Illness was the main contributing factor to the radio silence. The whole house has had their share of it for the past few months and things are now starting to right themselves.

TMA02 is coming up and I’m behind. Not a great start to 2019, the year where so many possibilities are presenting themselves. Have just thirty nine days till we pack our bags, head over the pond and tie the knot. Really needed to be ahead by quite a ways by now but it hasn’t worked out that way yet. Need to pick up some speed so I can get TMA’s 2 and 3 done before We leave. Critical Role has not been helping me work but has been an enjoyable distraction from the grind of daily life. Can’t really blame that for my lack of finding time however. That’s just not cool.

So lets see where 2019 takes us shall we? Hopefully we’ll have more monk like focus moving forward.

I Hate Hospitals

Forgot to post this yesterday so here is this weeks flash fiction prompt

I hate hospitals. They are the literal worst. I can’t think of a place I’d rather not be. Maybe back at home, scraping rotting guts out of the carpet. Though I’ve already done that so I can’t see why I would ever have to again. Maybe if Freddy actually goes ballistic and funnels those passive aggressive comments to his boyfriend into a surgically precise axe swing. They’d make him clean it up though, it’d only be fair. Continue reading “I Hate Hospitals”


Another day off the writing track. My beloved is in the hospital today for an iron infusion. Five whole hours of sitting and watching a drip. If she’s doing ok I might get to work a little but she hates needles and the infusion is weird.

Stay tuned for more wonderfully interesting snippets of my life.

P.S. Chewie is doing much better now. God bless drugs!

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the gun in my hand

Whilst talking on the forums the other day, an idea to start a weekly writing challenge was cooked up. This is my first effort. The aim is you have to start with the same first line as everyone else then make your story up from there. Seems simple enough right? Continue reading “The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the gun in my hand”

Story Time: Agent Blake

If I remember this correctly, I think I wrote this after reading a bunch of Hellboy. Once again we delve into the vault for something I had planned to work on

The window exploded around Blake as he flew through the air leaving the dining room and headed straight for the gravel forecourt out front. He had managed to cover his head from the worst of the impact but his hands and arms were shredded with nicks and cuts from the shattered glass. His body dug in to the deep gravel and skidded to a stop a metre from where he had landed. Before he had even lifted his head the beast was taunting him with its guttural purr, deep at the back of its throat, clicking in that way only predators can. As Blake lifted himself up off the cold hard stones, his ringing ears could just make out the sound of the creature disappearing back into the darkness of the house. Get up Blake, get to your god damn feet and move. Get to the car. Get to the case! Blake pushed himself to his feet in one complete movement and used the momentum to keep himself moving, sliding sideways in the treacherous gravel. He’d be fine once he got into a rhythm, once he shook away the ringing in his ears and the pounding in his head. Continue reading “Story Time: Agent Blake”